The Sublette County Journal Volume 4, Number 40 - 6/1/00 brought to you online by Pinedale Online Local Artists Clean Up at WAA Convention Over the weekend of May 5, 6 and 7, the Wyoming Artists Association held their Annual State Convention at the Headwaters Arts and Conference Center in Dubois, Wyoming. Fifteen Sublette County artists made the trip to the convention where over 200 new artworks were put on display. On Saturday morning, nationally renowned Western artists Bud Boller and John Phelps judged the show, and awards were given in twelve categories, with ten local artists returning home with awards. Eileen Dockham of Bondurant won "Best of Show" with a painting entitled "Wild Life Mammas." Mrs. Dockham also was recognized with honorable mentions in graphics for "Brother and Sister," as well as her miniature "Smokey." Pinedale's Patsy Edwards Rich returned home with the "Artist's Choice" award for "Pine Creek," which also won first place in the pastel category. Ms. Rich also was honored by having her work "Summertime" chosen as one of twelve paintings to hang in the offices of Wyoming's congressional delegation in Washington for the next year. Ms. Richs' painting "In the Woods" was chosen to be included in the University of Wyoming's Traveling Art Show that will make stops in 12 cities in throughout the State in the next year. Pinedale's Lois Decker also has a painting that was chosen to be included in the traveling show, entitled "Summers Gold." Betty Pfaff was also honored with a Congressional Show award for "Time Gone By," as was Daniel's Kay Meeks for "Fall Colors," and Charmian McLellan of Boulder for "Battle Mountain." Ms. Meeks painting "Magpie in Sage" won a third place in the miniatures division, and Ms. McLellan's watercolor "Saintly Burro" took first place in its division. The theme of this year's convention was Classic Movies, and Dee Parker took third place in this category with her artwork entitled "Dr. Zhivago." Tib Sutherland of Pinedale won a second place award in graphics for her work called "Spring Blossoms," and first place for her oil, "Sunbeams." Marbleton was well represented by Lorraine Leavitt, who won a third place in graphics for her work called "Sage Chicken," and Pinedale's Jo Mack took home a second place for her oil, "With Flags On High. These women were accompanied by Angie Siems, Ruth Rawhouser, Susan Nessan, Debbie Despain, Carl Pfaff, Bob Sutherland, Kristin Boroff and Mike Eshom, who had the enormous job of hanging the show, and according to WAA President Lynn Thomas of Boulder, "did a beautiful job." Ms. Thomas says the convention was a tremendous success and great fun was had by all. Ms. Thomas will serve as an Advisor to the WAA next year. See The Archives for past articles. Copyright © 1999, 2000 The Sublette County Journal All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means must have permission of the Publisher. The Sublette County Journal, PO Box 3010, Pinedale, WY 82941 Phone 307-367-3713 Publisher/Editor: Rob Shaul |